In life, it’s easy to get caught up in the highs and lows of career building, that’s more reason to recognize there’s more to you beyond the resume.
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Often, we focus on the downsides of our efforts not producing enough results, that we fail to appreciate what’s working and how much we’ve grown on our journey.
Today, I’ll list out some positive attributes you develop during career building to keep you encouraged.
So, What Exactly Is Beyond The Resume ??
Simple, beyond the resume is ‘YOU’ a person who has a personality.
It’s important to separate your career brand from your personal identity so that you can function with stability.
Easier said than done, because it’s not easy to build a career in the first place but it’s crucial.
Rather than focusing on the negatives of your journey or missed targets, take some time to appreciate the good things.
Positive Attributes You Develop Beyond The Resume
1. You Become More Self-Aware
Self-awareness is a gift that must be exploited in full. Many times, it results from a consistent devotion to your craft overtime.
The more exposure you gain while building your career, the more refined your decisions and approach to work become.
You start to recognize how you respond to pressure, how you work with people, and identify key areas for improvement which is a good thing.
2. You Have The Ability To Dream Big
While building a good resume is important, you don’t want to become so obsessed that you have no room for creativity.
It’s crucial to strike a balance between building mastery and making room for dreaming big and growing in creativity.
When you take bold steps to pitch new ideas, that’s not something to be ashamed of. Instead, it expands your mind to new possibilities.
3. You Become Resilient
When you face challenges head on with a drive to produce remarkable results, you uncover something golden.
Many times, this attribute is the difference between successes and failures.
So, when you give a situation your best, be very proud of that.
4. You Become More Equipped With People Skills
People skills is not a trait that everyone has naturally, but it can be nurtured.
While growing in your career, you realize that the more you converse, the less likely you are to be socially awkward.
Every time you have an evolving curiosity that drives you to connect with others in meaningful and subtle ways, it improves your people skills.
The more invested you are in your career, the better you treat people and the easier it becomes to work with and communicate with them.
5. You Have A Healthy Perspective To Growth
The more focus and drive you give towards your work while building your career determines your response to challenges.
One of the major attributes to have beyond the resume is a positive view towards growth.
When you notice you don’t struggle as much to be flexible and do things outside your comfort zone, take a moment to appreciate it.
Wherever you are on your career journey, never forget that a lot of work goes on behind the scenes.
Every now and then, take out time to reflect on the positive progress you’ve made beyond your resume while you keep improving for better opportunities.
Related: https://accelerate-your-career-5-critical-skills-you-can-learn/talenvo
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